Uganda 03/21/20 to 01/12/22 Date 0 31222 62445 93667 124890 156113 . 03/21/20 09/02/20 02/14/21 07/30/21 01/11/22 Legend confirmed deaths recovered Uganda 03/21/20 to 01/12/22 - LogScale Date . 03/21/20 09/02/20 02/14/21 07/30/21 01/11/22 Legend log(confirmed) log(deaths) log(recovered) Uganda 03/21/20 to 01/12/22 - Deltas Date 0 5046 10092 15139 20185 25232 . 03/21/20 09/02/20 02/14/21 07/30/21 01/11/22 Legend confirmed deaths recovered Uganda 03/21/20 to 01/12/22 - LogScale Deltas Date . 03/21/20 09/02/20 02/14/21 07/30/21 01/11/22 Legend log(confirmed) log(deaths) log(recovered) Uganda 03/21/20 to 01/12/22 - Confirmed Date 1 31223 62445 93668 124890 156113 . 03/21/20 09/02/20 02/14/21 07/30/21 01/11/22 Legend confirmed Uganda 03/21/20 to 01/12/22 - Confirmed LogScale Date . 03/21/20 09/02/20 02/14/21 07/30/21 01/11/22 Legend log(confirmed) Uganda 03/21/20 to 01/12/22 - Confirmed Deltas Date 0 4264 8529 12794 17059 21324 . 03/21/20 09/02/20 02/14/21 07/30/21 01/11/22 Legend confirmed Uganda 03/21/20 to 01/12/22 - Confirmed LogScale Deltas Date . 03/21/20 09/02/20 02/14/21 07/30/21 01/11/22 Legend log(confirmed) Uganda 03/21/20 to 01/12/22 - Deaths Date 0 674 1348 2022 2696 3370 . 03/21/20 09/02/20 02/14/21 07/30/21 01/11/22 Legend deaths Uganda 03/21/20 to 01/12/22 - Deaths LogScale Date . 03/21/20 09/02/20 02/14/21 07/30/21 01/11/22 Legend log(deaths) Uganda 03/21/20 to 01/12/22 - Deaths Deltas Date 0 171 342 513 684 855 . 03/21/20 09/02/20 02/14/21 07/30/21 01/11/22 Legend deaths Uganda 03/21/20 to 01/12/22 - Deaths LogScale Deltas Date . 03/21/20 09/02/20 02/14/21 07/30/21 01/11/22 Legend log(deaths) Uganda 03/21/20 to 01/12/22 - Recovered Date 0 17365 34730 52095 69460 86826 . 03/21/20 09/02/20 02/14/21 07/30/21 01/11/22 Legend recovered Uganda 03/21/20 to 01/12/22 - Recovered LogScale Date . 03/21/20 09/02/20 02/14/21 07/30/21 01/11/22 Legend log(recovered) Uganda 03/21/20 to 01/12/22 - Recovered Deltas Date 0 5046 10092 15139 20185 25232 . 03/21/20 09/02/20 02/14/21 07/30/21 01/11/22 Legend recovered Uganda 03/21/20 to 01/12/22 - Recovered LogScale Deltas Date . 03/21/20 09/02/20 02/14/21 07/30/21 01/11/22 Legend log(recovered)  
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